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One of the greatest ways to learn is through witnessing one another's journies!  

Testimonial from Thom Ray for Tiffany Hart

"Tiffany Hart is a brilliant shining light delivering deep connection and healing through her practices and sessions. When working with Tiffany you are immediately at ease being comforted and brought into a safe loving space to explore your journey. Allow the experience to speak for itself do not miss the opportunity to work with such a remarkable healer."

~Thom Ray, Self-Love Coach  
   IG: @thomrayofficial

Testimonial from Britta Buchanan from Tiffany Hart

"As an intuitive leader and guide, Tiffany's insight into what is needed in the moment is next level incredible. She comes alive and brings a lightness in group settings, which allows people to feel safe in exploring deeper parts of themselves in order to let go of old, deeply held emotions and wounding to make way for the new.  As an Akashic Record reader, she brings an enriching, immersive, and sensory experience to her clients, all while being deeply committed to bringing forward high consciousness Akashic insights in a loving and supportive way. Tiffany makes you feel held and cared for as she is reading your records, even when relaying more challenging messages. Working with Tiffany will be an experience you won't easily forget. Her love, light, and commitment to her practice is evident in everything she does."

~Britta Buchanan

   Akashic Reader, Human Design/Gene 

   Keys/Reflector Coach for Emma Dunwoody

   IG: @alignedandundefined

Testimonial from Amy Michelle for Tiffany Hart

"Have you ever felt so held that you felt safe enough to really be seen, cry, let go, allow, receive? Have you ever met anyone that you felt safe enough to experience this with? This is the epitome of Tiffany Hart! Without exaggeration, in complete raw and vulnerable soul-expressing testimonial love from a fellow Healing Heartist for an Embodied Whole-Harted Priestess called Tiffany, I share with you my own experience. Quite literally and quite rarely, I have never (until now) ever encountered another being willing to bear witness of another the way Tiffany does. To sink into a warm tub of emotions spiritually naked AND safe at the same time (?!) - to be held, to be seen, to be heard, to be acknowledged… this is no ordinary Akashic Reading and she is no ordinary Priestess of the Heart. Tiffany is the epitome of a nurturing mother an inner child always longed for to be held by and let go of the idea long long ago. To traverse this realm, to show up the radically authentic and transparent manner in which she practices, is a profound example of her own inner traversing of the deepest waters. In all of my forty-seven years, this is a first! I hung up the phone and sobbed a death of a version of my relationship and a version of me that I could no longer contain or follow or allow. Tiffany is what I would call a Hart Doula. She meets you where you are and remains a sacred container for whatever shows up and loves you through it."

~Amy Michelle, Mystical Metaphysician

"I had the loveliest session with Tiffany! I have never had my records read before so this was all new to me. She was excellent with communicating on what it all entails. Tiffany makes you feel comfortable, and I felt like I was speaking to an old friend, even though we have never met before. Everything in the session just made sense. All confirmation. The energy/vibe was SO high, I was floating for days! I recommend Tiffany to anyone I meet that’s interested in having their records read. Such a wonderful experience!"

~Alane M.


"Tiffany's Akashic Reading was absolutely an incredible experience. I have the mind of a skeptic and the heart of an ecstatic.  Her frequency allows me to make peace with both. When she channels, I release any doubts I have ... about myself or the connection we all have with Divinity. Tiffany's insights remind me of the agreements I have made as she retrieves symbols, messages, songs, and trinkets I didn't know I needed to find. Her integrity and love have left an imprint on me. If you're reading this, you'll soon know how much this is true!"

~Angel Moran, Creative Catalyst
   IG: @angelmoranart

Testimonial from Priscilla Medina for Tiffany Hart

"My first session with Tiffany was magic. I’m currently experiencing a physical manifestation, I was able to physically and emotionally release. I felt chills through my body, her reading gave me clarity and peace. I am feeling more centered and positive as I move through this journey. Thank you Tiffany for sharing your gift. I look forward to more."  

~Priscilla Medina, Architect of Life & Self-Healing
   IG: @priscillammedina

"The wisdom and energy that Tiffany exudes in her everyday manner is impeccable, and she leaves it ALL (and more!) on the table when it comes to her work. She is one of the most intuitively gifted women I’ve ever met, and I had the absolute honor of her assistance as she guided me through a deeply moving healing process. Her guidance offered the most comforting safety net that allowed me to truly RELEASE what has been stuck inside me for far too long. Without even mentioning any ailments on my body she moved her hands to places that had been knotted and kinked for a DECADE. After it was done? The little ticks never returned. She allows her soul to speak and her spirit to move her with every breath and every step. She is truly gifted in all she does! And I would recommend her 12/10 times. A true healer! And a truly wonderful human."

~Deanna M.
   IG: @deeaaannnnaa

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